The Moco Technology Platform

Hello friends, wherever you are, I hope you are happy, this time I will explain about the further discussion about Moco. Let's see more about friends.
This is the cause of the disease. Not today, when using various types of social networks. There are only applications on social networks. Because of the availability of technology using this technology. Broader problems
One of the digital platforms that adopted this concept is MoCo. This platform creates a new concept on social networks, creates anonymous social networking services, giving users space to gain financial benefits because of their creativity and talent. MoCo, which means VR Motion Communications, provides a special space to interact with other users through a revolutionary new concept. Users can communicate in 3D using an avatar to create a more realistic impression. Besides being a social network, MoCo is also a trading market. This shopping market is presented online videos. From here
One of the digital platforms that adopted this concept is MoCo. This platform creates a new concept on social networks, creates anonymous social networking services, giving users space to gain financial benefits because of their creativity and talent. MoCo, which means VR Motion Communications, provides a special space to interact with other users through a revolutionary new concept. Users can communicate in 3D using an avatar to create a more realistic impression. Besides being a social network, MoCo is also a trading market. This shopping market is presented online videos. From here

MoCo also supports technology that can stream live broadcasts and chat streaming with very high image quality, which reaches 4K / 8K. This platform uses VR technology, which is used to convert 2D communication into 3D. MoCo will combine Video Conceptionsion AI, AI Automated 2D-3D dialogue technology and Motin AI Capture technology to help users enter the virtual reality space using a webcam or smartphone. Users can use the MoCo feature to create avatars or personalized characters. Through MoCo, users can communicate with family or relatives.
In addition to supporting social networking features, MoCo also supports economic features that can help users make money using this platform. Each user can create their own content. Cellular content will be misused by other parties. It is assumed that this transaction will be confirmed by MoCo. The Blockchain technology will help users protect their digital assets and protect the transaction process. This technology also provides a fast process for buying and selling original content. Oh, and both can communicate directly. MoCo is available to all users in the world. now,
Methods for the treatment of this disease. naturally and smoothly intertwined. Users can communicate anonymously to maintain their privacy. Using an avatar will create new nuances in more interesting communication. This will give the impression that each user builds the community in a more tangible form. Each user can use the entire infrastructure based on AI MoCo, which is unusual in making the social networking environment more realistic in the virtual version and more personal.

MoCo is a multi-layered and multi-faceted project. This was recorded in written communication. Using MoCo, users will be more interactive in communication, and the most important thing is to create opportunities to receive financial benefits from their own hard work. 3D chat avatars will be a new innovative concept of social networking that can be used openly and freely. Combined with ownership of digital tokens, MoCo users can freely buy and sell original items and subscribe to streaming content quickly and efficiently, with high image quality.

° streaming your virtual reality 360 events held throughout the world
In the next stage, MoCo platforms and technology will provide live streaming, live streaming, 4K / 8K, real-time 360 ° VR large-scale virtual reality throughout the world, such as World Cup matches, Super Bowls and concerts sold out by the best musicians - the level is on the other side of the world. This will also create a new 3D world - where users can also make money.
From 2D communication to 3D communication
In the last stage of developing our platform, we will combine our AI. Video compression, 2D-3D AI-automatic conversion, and AI motion capture technology, allow users to enter virtual reality space using only their webcam or mobile device. Users can also create their own character avatars or bots and make purchases, create and feel user-created virtual spaces, and chat with their families or hang out with their friends.
Make and pay for original content that is copyrighted.
Users can combine poisons with MoCo cryptocurrency. Based on blockchain technology, MoCo MoCo platforms and Tokens will enable you to develop, buy and sell original content in a fast, safe and protected ecosystem. Individuals and businesses will be able to meet and communicate safely with other people around the world, and can create their own monetized economy using their own talents and ideas, and participate in safe trade with each other.
ICO Details
Token Name: MOCO
Platform: Ethereum
SALE 1; June 20, 2018 30 days
60% bonus
MAIN SALES 2: July 20, 2018 90 days
PRE-SALE 3 Bonus: October 1, 2018 30 days
PRE-SALE 4 Bonus: December 1, 2018 120 days,
20% Bonus,
BASIC SALES TOKEN: April 1, 2019,
182 day bonus 0%

Ambassador of Director of Finance, CORINA Lazarescu, Manager of Creative Development, Public Relations, and Foreign Partners, KINTHIA KOSHINA, PR / China Market Support Manager, China, Blockchain Visionary Project and Technology Manager; Dappband MISHA EFIMET Architect decentralized units and web developers; Dappband MICHAEL LOBONOV Expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning, developer; Dappband JUN MIYAZAKI AI (Distance Learning), RPA, IoT System Consultant UTAKA SAIKI

Thank you for your attention, I hope that what is conveyed can be useful for friends who read, this article.
For complete information, I have prepared links related to Moco
Website :
Whitepaper :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Author :iqbalnurdiansyah23
Eth Address :0x5F53C937FD1cc13c75B12Db84F61cbE58A4a255e
Telegram :@iqbalnurdiansyah23
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